This document describes the Construction Quality Control System established to provide the necessary supervision, control phases and tests of all items of work, including that of suppliers and subcontractors, that will assure the compliance of all work with the applicable specifications and drawings with respect to the equipment, materials, workmanship, construction, finish, and functional performance, which is the responsibility of our company at the construction site.
As a construction subcontractor our company strives to obtain a uniform, high quality level of workmanship throughout all phases of procurement, fabrication, construction, and installation of equipment and facilities. To assure this end, the following principles will be observed:
A. For the purposes of this Quality Control (QC) Plan, quality is defined as conformance to contractual requirements, specifications, and applicable standards.
B. Quality, or conformance to requirements, is the primary responsibility of construction management and the persons doing the work. The QC persons are an added resource to help construction management and the persons doing the work in meeting this primary responsibility.
C. SEAQ ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS L.L.C will assure the highest quality by maintaining this QC Plan and follow its instructions governing quality control procedures and practices.
D.SEAQ ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS L.L.C will conform to all contractual requirements, specifications, and applicable standards using this Quality Control Plan. Where a discrepancy exists between this plan and the contract requirements, the contract requirements shall prevail.
E. SEAQ ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS L.L.C Co will compile accurate records of test certifications and other required documentation and submit them to Contractor.